EUREC students visit PPC Innovation Hub

EUREC students visit PPC Innovation Hub! 

A diverse team of ten students from eight different countries (India, Iran, the USA, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and Lebanon), enrolled in EUREC’s (The Association of European Renewable Research Centres) “EUREC Master in Renewable Energy” and hosted by the NTUA School of Mechanical Engineering under the ERASMUS exchange programme as part of their Wind Power specialization, have visited the Robotics Lab of PPC Innovation Hub accompanied by two professors.

The students met the lab’s specialized personnel and learned about inspecting wind turbines and power transmission lines with the use of drones, a service that PPC Innovation Hub offers to its clients as part of its commercial activities. The presentation was followed by a live demonstration of a transmission tower inspection via drones.

At PPC Innovation Hub, we are excited to host young students interested in energy, who share our vision and passion for a green and just transition. As part of our research and innovation activities, we are committed to supporting students and nurturing collaborations with academic and research institutions.